Your Home is Living Space Not Storage Space: Lose the Storage, Find Your Home

Ducks in a row Home Organisation Your Home is Living Space Not Storage Space-Lose the Storage Find Your Home

Do you feel like you don’t have enough space to live in your own home? ⁠

Does the idea of having people in your home stress you out because your home looks more like a cluttered storage space?

Let’s be clear, your home is not a storage space. It’s where you live, work, and play.

When your home becomes cluttered with items, it can cause stress, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way 😊. I have put together three steps you can take to help minimise clutter, maximise space and maintain order in your home.

1. Focus On Minimising

Before working to organise your belongings, the most crucial step is to try to minimise your belongings. One of the biggest reasons I find clients are disorganised is because they haven’t tried to work through the items they already have sitting in their homes.

Go through each room of the house and see what items are not needed anymore. This may include clothing that you never wear, paperwork, books, kitchenware, purses, or home office supplies.

Getting rid of these unneeded items can help free up a ton of space in your home. Take those items and toss, recycle, remove, or donate the ones you no longer need. Minimising will help you declutter the space in your home.

To be organised, you must minimise items, belongings, and stuff. 

2. Maximise The Way You Use Your Space

After decluttering, the next step is to figure out how you want to set up your home organisation.

The idea is to try to identify spaces in your home that may not be fully utilised and find ways to use them to help solve clutter problems in your home. This step includes exploring different creative ways to use the space and utilise it in the best way possible. Your goal must be to maximise the space and use it to its best advantage. For example, if you have letters continuously stacked on your counter, installing a letter organiser on an open wall space may be the perfect solution to maximise space and create an organised life.

To be organised, you must maximise the space and use it to its best advantage. 

3. Maintain Order to Keep Your Home Organised

It’s important to note that decluttering and home organisation is not a one-time fix. Instead, it would be best if you make decluttering a habit, something you do on a regular basis. To do this, make sure to consistently repeat the first two steps by ensuring that you’re not collecting items you don’t necessarily need and that you’re using your space the right way.

To maintain order, you need to ensure that you are:

  • Constantly minimising what you have around yourself by disposing, removing, donating or recycling them, AND
  • Constantly maximising the effective use of space.

To be organised, you must maintain order. 

To apply this MMM concept for each room or area you wish to organise, I have created this worksheet to help you make notes and brainstorm ideas for minimising clutter, maximising space, and maintaining order.  You can download this free worksheet by clicking on the link below:

Ducks in a Row Home Organisation MMM Worksheet Cover

Click here to download your FREE worksheet

Create Your Dream Living Space Today

Creating routine, consistency, and learning how to minimise your belongings will help you not only to live an organised life but ensure that your home is made for living, not storage. However, if decluttering and organising becomes too overwhelming at any time, it may be wise to speak with someone who can help.

Ducks in a Row Home Organisation is here to help you declutter and organise your beautiful home if that sounds too complicated to handle alone. Whether it’s getting things in order for your kids, helping you minimise your belongings, organise your wardrobe, or setting up simple organisation systems that are easy for your whole family to follow, we are here to help!

Visit our home organisation page today to see how we can help you find the organisation you need!

Also, check out these five reasons why home organisation will help you do the things you love and live the life that makes sense for YOU!

Are you looking for the perfect gift for your loved one?⁠⁠

Our One Day Home Organisation Voucher Package⁠ is an ideal gift for your spouse, mother, sister, friend, or lover. Now they can enjoy a WHOLE DAY of home organisation from our professional team and get started with their journey towards a clutter-free and organised life.⁠

Home Organisation Voucher

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