8 Tips to Declutter and Organise a Small Home

Taming the chaos in a small home can feel like a big adventure, but guess what? You’re not alone in this challenge; small spaces often come with the quirkiest storage dilemmas and the art of balancing style and function.

An organised and functional space isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about how it makes you feel. It’s about creating an environment that nurtures your well-being, fosters your creativity, and simply lets you breathe.

By following these tips and maintaining a mindful approach to organisation, you can create a small home that feels spacious, comfortable, and clutter-free.

1. Embrace the Decluttering Mindset

The first step to reclaiming your small space is to adopt a decluttering mindset. Be prepared to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. Start by going through your belongings room by room, asking yourself if each item brings you joy or is truly necessary. Check out these 10 questions to ask yourself when decluttering.

2. Plan and Prioritise

Let’s break things down into manageable chunks. Imagine trying to eat an entire pizza in one bite – not so enjoyable, right? The same goes for decluttering the entire house in one go. Organise one room at a time. Small wins will keep you motivated and prevent the overwhelm.

Keep in mind not all spaces are created equal, and some areas might need a bit more love than others. Maybe your kitchen has transformed into a storage galaxy, or your home office is your secret clutter corner. Prioritise these areas that need immediate attention.

3. Divide and Conquer

Divide your possessions into four categories: Donate, Toss, Sell or Repair. Be ruthless about what you choose to keep, particularly in a small space. Consider multi-functional furniture and decor to maximise your use of space.

4. Get Creative with Storage Solutions

Small spaces demand creative storage solutions. Look for opportunities to utilise vertical space, such as wall-mounted shelves and hooks. Under-bed storage bins, furniture with hidden compartments, and floating shelves are also excellent choices. Maximise closet space with hanging organisers and drawer dividers.

With these ingenious storage solutions, you’re not just organising; you’re making your small space work for you. It’s like finding hidden pockets of space you didn’t know existed.

5. Prioritise Functionality

In a small home, every item should serve a purpose. Invest in furniture and storage solutions that are not only stylish but also functional. Think about dual-purpose items like a sofa bed or a coffee table with storage inside. This ensures you’re making the most of your limited space.

6. Maintain a Regular Decluttering Routine

Once you’ve decluttered and organised your small home, the key to keeping it that way is maintenance. Establish a routine to go through your belongings regularly. Seasonal cleanouts can help prevent clutter from building up.

7. Embrace Minimalism

The “less is more” mindset is a game-changer for your small space, bringing a sense of calm and purpose to every corner. Minimalism isn’t just about having a clean space; it’s a lifestyle that values quality over quantity. By simplifying, you’re not just decluttering your space – you’re decluttering your mind too.

Imagine walking into a room that’s free from excess stuff, where each item has a purpose and brings joy. It’s about making room for what truly matters and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Before adding something new, ask yourself if it aligns with your lifestyle and brings value. This shift in thinking prevents unnecessary purchases and keeps your space clutter-free and meaningful. By adopting a minimalist approach, you’re crafting a space that’s both intentional and uplifting.

8. Personalisation and Aesthetics

Now, let’s sprinkle a touch of “YOU” into your organised oasis! Creating a space that’s uniquely yours is all about infusing personal style and aesthetics. Get ready to make your small space not just functional, but a reflection of your personality:

First things first, your space is your canvas. It’s where you get to play with colours, patterns, and decor that resonate with you. Embrace your favorite hues – whether it’s soothing pastels or bold pops of color. Mix and match textures that make you want to reach out and touch them. Incorporate elements that tell your story, whether it’s travel souvenirs, family photos, or artwork you’ve created. Your space becomes a gallery of your journey, inviting you to relive memories and celebrate the things that make you smile.

And now, the grand finale: the rewards of your decluttering journey. Imagine waking up to a bedroom that’s serene and uncluttered, cooking in a kitchen that’s functional and inviting, and living in a space that’s uniquely you. You’re not just decluttering; you’re gifting yourself a home that’s a haven, a place that supports your well-being and celebrates your life’s journey.

So, as you step into this new chapter of your organised and functional home, remember that every small step leads to a big transformation. The journey might begin with a corner of your room, but it ripples into a space that resonates with peace and purpose. It’s a journey worth embarking on, and you’ve got all the tools and inspiration you need.

Here’s to your clutter-free adventure, to a home that’s a true reflection of you, and to the joy that comes from an organised, functional, and inviting space.

Work with us

At Ducks in a Row, we believe in explaining to our clients how decluttering works before starting the process. It is important for us to reinforce that our role as their organiser is not to tell them what to keep and what to throw away, but instead to assist and guide them by asking questions to help them make informed decisions for themselves.

We combine our signature Organising D.R.E.S.S Code Formula© with a deep understanding of how you live your life to create a system that works for you and your family.

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Work with us

At Ducks in a Row, we believe in explaining to our clients how decluttering works before starting the process. It is important for us to reinforce that our role as their organiser is not to tell them what to keep and what to throw away, but instead to assist and guide them by asking questions to help them make informed decisions for themselves.

We combine our signature Organising D.R.E.S.S Code Formula© with a deep understanding of how you live your life to create a system that works for you and your family.

Are you ready to get your ducks in a row?

Click below to book your FREE consult with our Lead Organiser. ⁠Looking forward to getting your 𝒹𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝒶 𝓇𝑜𝓌.