
ducks in a row home organisation organiser declutter decluttering testimonial kate johnson kitchen
“After a complete renovation of our kitchen, we had just pretty much stuffed everything in the cupboards and pantry, with a plan to organise it once the overall reno was finished.

Ducks in a Row came along, talked about how and what we use most in the kitchen and the went to work. The team took everything out of every cupboard, grouped and categorised everything- talked to me about what to keep and what to sell, donate, discard and then made a plan to organise it logically into the cupboards. They went out and bought containers, baskets, trays, drawer inserts and now everything has a logical place, containers are labelled and I can find everything!!

Ducks in a Row are organisational angels! Can’t wait to ha e them back- wardrobe next maybe? :)”
Kate Johnson
“Ducks in a Row are absolute superstars at what they do. I have avoided my linen cupboard for 2+ years and it’s always been my most dreaded part of the house. I was shoving linen in any available space and things were always falling out.

I expected to be hands on with the team the whole time, having to sort through each item and do the decluttering and organisation process but that’s absolutely not the case, Ducks in a Row took care of it ALL. I was so shocked when they said, “okay, no problems, I’ll let you know in about an hour when I need you again”. I only needed to spend a little time pointing at what to keep and what to donate based on what I actually use.

When discussing how to organise the space, they made sure that it was by what I needed to access the most, making sure it was functional first and foremost. They suggested storage solutions based on maximising the size shelving available, style and budget, once I decided, they went and bought these and returned to put everything back in – I literally did not have to take a single thing in or out of the cupboard, the team took care of it all!

I can’t believe how easy the process was, the team made it such a dream. I’m still shocked at how little I had to do! In one word: WOW! I can’t thank you enough! I can’t wait to tackle my pantry next”
Monica Egan
(Linen Cupboard)
“My experience today with Eve was exceptional, she is approachable and very professional. I would highly recommend Eve and her service to everyone! When I looked at my pantry before I felt quite scattered and often I found it hard to find what I was looking for. But now, I love opening my pantry and knowing exactly where everything is. It is super organised and well presented. Thank you so much again Eve for all your work it is amazing! With this new experience I can now find things faster and this is a must especially when you have a toddler.”
Jessica Solomons
“Today I had the pleasure of Ducks in a Row come to my home and reorganise my kitchen. I have arthritis which makes it difficult to access items, and not to mention there was an excess of kitchen paraphernalia, it needed to be organised.

The team emptied all the cupboards and drawers then assessed what I used and what I didn't. I must say that it was liberating eradicating items that I had forgotten about or didn't use, some items not seeing the light of day for years.

The Ducks in a Row team were methodical, quick and efficient considerate and sympathetic in discussing what items I needed and used.

Once the sorting had been completed, they then proceeded to reorganise the kitchen to make it easily accessible neat and clean. We purchased some inexpensive but effective storage units that I must say, has made life easier. My kitchen space is now a pleasure to work in as everything is at hand so I am not searching for items that I know I have but can't find.

Ducks in a Row provides a professional service, is fast efficient and has the confidence and knowledge to reorganise your space to make your life incredibly easier.”
Donald Fraser
ducks in a row home organisation organiser declutter decluttering testimonial tanya mikheal play area kids room
“I'm 37 weeks pregnant with a very large bubba who has pushed my body to it's limits, often requiring crutches due to pelvic instability. I have a 5 yr old who is lego obsessed and a 3.5 yr old who is lives to annoy his brother by scattering lego around the house.

With every braxton hicks contraction I knew I needed help to sort out the legos and tiny toys parts before baby arrives. And with each BH contraction my anxiety grew to a point where I absolutely did not know how or where to start. I knew I wanted a functional space my boys will use that can be gated off from the baby but getting to that space seemed impossible.

In walks Eve like a godess sent from the ether. Within an hour she assessed and measured the space and toys, came up with a design idea my husband and I both loved and a solid plan of attack. By the end of the second hour she had helped us to sort out 10 massive boxes of not in use quality toys to go to charity, some headed for the Philippines and others here in Aups via womens/youth shelters.

By the end of her time with us she had sorted through and organised all of the lego, toys and furniture. She sourced the perfect storage for us and even labelled everything.

The best part was my kid's reactions. They were so happy with the space, Mr 5 gave some constructive feedback to Eve which she incorporated like a champ (separating the helmets/weapons from minifigs). They actually play more in their new space and.... they cleaned up 2 nights in a row and enjoyed packing up!

I cannot recommend Eve's services enough. The weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can welcome the new bub with confidence that they will be safe from choking hazards.”
Tanya Mikheal
(Play Room)

Get your Ducks in a Row Today with a Professional Home Organising Session!

ducks in a row home organisation organiser declutter decluttering testimonial breanna wright play area kids room
“I had such a wonderful experience with 'Ducks In A Row' - the team was incredibly friendly and professional. They have a great approach to organising and really took charge of the process beginning to end. All I did was tell them what I hoped to achieve with the space and consulted me on decisions of what to keep or not, but they literally did everything else. I was amazed that I didn't have to do anything else - incredible service. And most importantly, the end result didn't just look fantastic but is so functional. Look forward to working with Ducks in a Row on other areas! Highly recommend”
Breanna Wright
(Play Area)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Lydia Bergantino- Pantry
“Ducks in a Row are exceptional at what they do, I have been struggling with my pantry for months and when I requested their service to help me, I was amazed at her professionalism. They really listened to what I wanted and to my budget and how I like to reuse my own jars and she organised like a ninja.

I am so pleased with it and it’s really functional at the moment, everything is easy to find and work with, my spices are easy to find and are in alphabetical order, omg I squealed when I saw that. Thank you so much.”
Lydia Bergantino
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Carla Edgerton - Art Studio
“My studio space had become a dumping ground for “I’ll deal with that later” stuff that had accumulated after having kids and working from home in 2020. Ducks in a Row helped get the space decluttered and organised. They were friendly and efficient and it was such a positive experience. Walking into the space now I have a feeling of calm instead of overwhelm, and can get straight into creating, without distraction. Thankyou for such a great experience! Highly recommend their services.”
Carla Edgerton
(Art Studio)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and decluttering Testimonial Lucia Zelesco - Wardrobe Closet
“I had the best experience! So professional and positive I highly, highly recommend. The team were an absolute breeze to work with. They asked me what I wanted to achieve with my space and did it amazingly. I have so much more space and they arranged the space in a way I wouldn’t have thought of doing at all. Just an amazing investment. They are so positive and caring too! Thanks so much”
Lucia Zelesco
“My experience has been fantastic! I was so stressed about my grandsons play area and really didn’t know where to start. Working with Ducks in a Row was wonderful and very easy. I hardly had to do anything as they took care of most of the sorting and organising. Now I love the new space it is uncluttered, neat and organised!”
Maria Ingram
(Play Area)
“This team are more than clever Duckies - they are a life saver and a God send! Post Covid lockdown my girls’ rooms looked like typical kids rooms - somewhat (?) tidy but heaving w stuff I had no interest in sorting out. Ducks in a Row came in and dismantled 12 months of kid hoarding and made it make sense. I sorted, sorted and sorted again but it was sooo pleasurable without the lugging, swearing and chucking that goes on with kid room cleans! The results are incredible and really are a testament to Ducks in a Row’s talents, skills and style. I’m so happy with the results, as are the girls, and I had the time and energy today to do a filing cupboard clean. Next on the list is to make photo albums for the kids - something I would never had the time or energy for without this Duckie magic! Thank you - you are a super talented team and life changing organisers !!!”
Kellie Burns
(Kids Bedrooms)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Melanie McCoy - Kids Crafts Area
“I really can’t recommend Eve highly enough. She came to sort out our totally overrun kids craft area and cupboards and you can see from the pictures what a great job she did.

What I *really* loved was that I didn’t need to lift a finger for most of the day! She pulled everything out, sorted it all into categories and then all I needed to do was give a bit of guidance on what things were and which things could be thrown out.

We talked through how the kids use the area and the fact that my 3 year old needed everything within reach. Eve researched storage options online from a number of different shops and presented the options to me to choose from. She then ended up doing several IKEA trips to make sure we had everything we needed, sorted all of the stuff into drawers and boxes and labelled everything.
Melanie McCoy
(Kids Crafts Area)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Dia Holland - Pantry
“Organised, efficient and professional. If you want stress free organisation at your home you need to speak with Ducks in a Row! They have great ideas and helped organise our pantry. We just moved house and are starting a family and they took the overwhelm out of it all! Highly recommend if you walk into a room and feel frustrated!! No brainer for me trying to implement new systems in our family home! Thank you so much!”
Dia Holland
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Lisa Connaughton - multiple rooms
“I would have to say having Ducks in a Row here to organise my cupboards throughout my house was one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

Every time I open a cupboard, I get so much pleasure from seeing them neat, tidy and organised. It also makes it easier to find things and to keep them organised.

Thank you so much.”
Lisa Connaughton
(Multiple Rooms)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Tamara Haakman - Pantry
“Wow! What a woman.

Eve is a kind character and softly spoken. She brings about her an air of zen and then transforms a room into that exact feeling. My pantry was average, but my medical herb space was a right royal mess. Within a day Eve transformed these two places alphabetising our herbs making it super quick and easy to grab in a hurry. Eve the family and I are grateful for your creative thinking and your charming grace.”
Tamara Haakman
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Jane Searle - Pantry
“It was so lovely to come back from a short break to find my daughter had cleared out my very messy and disorganised pantry, to transform it into a space with matching containers and all clearly labelled.

I can finally see where everything is !! Instead of opening the door and standing there for a considerable time wondering “where” something is and becoming irritated because “I know it’s in there” - I am now in and out in seconds happily retrieving what I wanted. Well done Eve a perfect solution”
Jane Searle
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Sally Ramshaw - Multiple Rooms
“Ducks in a Row provides such an incredibly valuable and fuss-free service. Not only did she de-clutter and organise 2 bedrooms, a play area, book shelves, a 2nd lounge and my linen closet, but Eve also organised donating items to charity and selling items for me!

I highly recommend Ducks In A Row Home Organisation - what a massive weight off my mind!!!

Thank you”
Sally Ramshaw
(Multiple Rooms)

Get your Ducks in a Row Today with a Professional Home Organising Session!

Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Sam Janssen - Moving House
“Eve was like the organisational angel I never knew I needed. I first reached out for her help with the enormous task of organising our garage, Eve showed up special kit in hand and took charge. She spent over 10hrs with me making sure the garage was carefully sorted into labelled tubs before our upcoming house move, her dedication to finishing the epic job she has started was unwavering! Her work this day meant moving from one garage to another was much easier and we were organised in the new garage from day one.

Seeing Eve in action day one inspired me to get her back for our house move. This was my 9th house move and thanks to Eve the most organised, stress free one yet. She arrived on moving day with her magical kit and immediately got to work, she cleaned the kitchen cupboards, arranged the pantry and all drawers and cupboards to a level beyond what I thought possible. She spent countless hours in the garage sorting shelves and creating 3 usable, organised spaces. She helped move furniture, unpack boxes and generally organise our new house life. She then made a list of additional items that would be useful to maintain an organised home life and went shopping only to come back two days later and finish the task. Our panty, bathroom cupboards and garage are organised spaces free of clutter and chaos and have remained that way 4 months on so I have hope what she implemented will stay for good! I can not recommend Eve and her organising services enough, she is thorough and comes armed with a tool box full of ideas and strategies to arrange even the most disorganised of rooms, cupboards or spaces!!

THANKS EVE! I will definitely be getting you back x”
Sam Janssen
(Moving House)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Belinda Flaherty - Pantry
“OmG my pantry looks AMAZING! Exactly the perfect spring clean. I have been wanting to do this for years - now it’s done and I’m so happy with the cleanout!

Looks GREAT 😊

I highly recommended!

Can’t wait to book in for Wardrobe & linen Press!

Thank you for an awesome job.”
Belinda Flaherty
Ducks in a Row - Home Organization - Testimonials
“This was honestly the best money I have ever spent!!

I loved working with Eve to organise my home. She was so efficient and productive.

I can't believe the stuff we got through in a day.

She is professional and friendly to work with and I really appreciated her non-judgmental approach to my mess :)”
Tanya Petrolo
(Kids Bedroom)
Ducks in a Row Home Organisation Organiser - Declutter and Decluttering - Testimonial Natasha Robinson - Wardrobe
I hired Eve to help me with organising my disaster area of a wardrobe. She, along with assistant Kim, not only did that, but made it far more accessible for my disability needs. The end result is also oh so beautiful! I could never have done it myself.

I am deeply appreciative of the thoughtful and caring way that Eve goes about her job. Sorting through my wardrobe forced me to go through many things that brought up deep emotions of times past and loved ones lost. She never pushed me on anything, and simply assisted me to do what was right for me. Eve even helped with selling some of the things I parted with! And when I changed my mind on saying goodbye to an item, she was not at all bothered.

I was so happy with both the end result, and the way in which Eve & Kim went about the job, that I immediately booked in for them to come back and help me sort out another area in my home!

I could not recommend Ducks in a Row more highly.
Natasha Robinson
Ducks in a Row - Home Organization - Testimonials
“If you have ever watched one of those home organiser shows and thought to yourself I need to do something like that, than this is the service for you!!

Eve from Ducks in a Row is everything you expect and more, she was punctual, professional, uber organised and had our cupboards looking incredible in one session.

I strongly recommend the styling service if like me, you are into aesthetics.

I will definitely be booking Eve again, I feel sad looking in all my other cupboards now!!!”
Tanya Petrolo
(Kids Bedroom)
Ducks in a Row - Home Organization - Testimonials
“I can't recommend Ducks in a Row highly enough!

I booked 5 days worth of home organising and decluttering spread out over 2 months and it has changed my life!

Over the 5 days we covered my kitchen, bathrooms, living room, study, bedrooms including kids toys and garage. What a transformation!

When friends and family come over now they all comment on how calming and peaceful my home is which is such a nice change.

I have found now that my mornings run smoother with an organised kitchen, tidying up is so much quicker with no clutter and I can spend more time doing the things I like. Thank you so much Eve for doing such a wonderful job, I'm really grateful : )”
Laura Harbeck
(Multiple Rooms)

Get your Ducks in a Row Today with a Professional Home Organising Session!