Simplify and Shine: 10 Easy Steps to Kickstart Your Home Decluttering Journey

Get ready to say hello to a fresh and organised home. We get it – decluttering might sound like a huge daunting task, but guess what? It’s doable! And we’re here to guide you every step of the way. This isn’t about going from chaos to perfection overnight; it’s about taking small, manageable steps that make a big impact.

So, buckle up and let’s start reclaiming your space, embracing simplicity, and finding pure joy in creating a home that truly shines.

Easy Steps to Kickstart Your Home Decluttering Journey

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Picture your ideal home – is it a serene bedroom, a functional kitchen, or a spacious living room?

Take a moment to define your goals. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve will be like having a compass that guides you through this journey.

Whether it’s creating a cosy reading nook or finally having a clutter-free dining table, having clear goals will give your decluttering efforts purpose and keep that motivation flowing.

Step 2: Work One Room at a Time

The key to success is taking it one room at a time. It might be tempting to dive into the entire house all at once, but tackling one room at a time is a more manageable and effective approach.

By focusing your efforts on a single space, you can give the attention it deserves, make well-thought-out decisions about what to keep, donate, or discard, and see visible progress sooner.

This method not only makes the decluttering process more achievable but also allows you to appreciate the transformation in each room, motivating you to continue the journey throughout your entire home.

So, pick a room, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to declutter and refresh your home, one step at a time.

Step 3: Sort and Categorise

Now, let’s add some structure to the chaos! Imagine it as a game of organising where you’re creating neat little categories for everything.

Take your items and group them into specific categories. For example, if you are organising your pantry, some common ones are canned goods, baking supplies, spices, snacks, sauces, condiments, drinks etc.

Similarly, if you are organising your wardrobe, some common categories include: T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Long Sleeve Tops, Cardigans, Jackets & Coats, Sweatshirts & Hoodies, Dresses, etc.

Categorising items enables you to see what you have and makes the organising process much smoother. It also allows you to identify potential double-ups or items you might be running low on stock, for example.

Step 4: Identify Items That You Want to Donate, Toss, Sell or Repair

Get ready to work some decluttering magic by identifying the items that you want to donate, toss, sell or repair!

Designate an area for each category. You may use boxes, if available or it could be a sign that you can blue tac to the wall.

Every single item you come across gets a one-way ticket to its designated area. It’s like you’re giving each thing a new story – whether it’s sticking around, finding a new home, or bidding its farewell.

Also, check out these 10 questions to ask yourself when decluttering.

Step 5: Declutter Sentimental Items Mindfully

Here’s where the heart comes into play!

Sentimental items can be a bit of a challenge to part with, we totally get it.

So, here’s the plan: hold onto the ones that genuinely warm your heart. If they light up your soul and bring a smile to your face, they’re keepers.

But for those items that might not fit in your space anymore, how about capturing their essence with a snapshot? Taking photos can be like bottling memories, giving you a way to hold onto the sentiment without taking up physical space.

It’s like creating a mini museum of your life’s best moments.

So, as you navigate this sentimental journey, do it with love and mindfulness.

Also, check out this blog on how to declutter when you’re sentimental.

Step 6: Simplify Your Storage

Once you’ve worked your decluttering magic, let’s dive into the world of organised storage.

Think bins, baskets, and shelves – each item gets a designated spot. This way, you’re setting the stage for clutter-free bliss.

No more stuff just hanging out, creating chaos. Nope, everything’s got a home now, and it’s a game-changer.

Check out these favourite Home Storage Recommendations from Our Lead Organiser

Step 7: One In, One Out

Say hello to the “one in, one out” rule.

Here’s how it works: when you’re tempted to bring something new into your space, take a moment. Just remember, for every fresh addition, one old item has to find a new home.

It’s like swapping out the old to make room for the new, and it keeps things from getting too crowded. It’s a simple but powerful way to keep things in harmony.

Step 8: Maintain Regular Decluttering Sessions

If you are not decluttering regularly, you’re likely allowing clutter to unnecessarily pile up

Here’s the secret sauce: turn decluttering into a regular thing.

Think of it like a mini spa day for your space. Set aside just 15-30 minutes every week to sort through things. Schedule this in your calendar to stay consistent.

It’s a simple commitment that can work wonders.

You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in such a short time. It’s like hitting refresh on your space, keeping the mess from creeping back in.

So, whether it’s a weekday wind-down or a weekend tidying spree, these regular check-ins with your space will keep things looking top-notch.

Step 9: Embrace Mindful Consumption

Let’s talk about shopping with a purpose!

Before you hit that “buy” button or stroll into a store, pause for a second.

Ask yourself: does this new thing genuinely add value to your life?

It’s like curating your space with intention. Mindful buying means you’re picking things that truly belong, not just adding to the pile.

By doing this, you’re not just keeping your space tidy now – you’re also preventing future clutter from sneaking in.

So, next time you’re tempted by a shiny new find, give it a quick evaluation. If it’s a perfect fit, go for it! But if it’s just going to add to the clutter, consider passing it by.

Step 10: Celebrate Your Progress

Time to give yourself a high-five for all that hard work!

Let’s celebrate those wins! As you journey through your decluttering adventure, pause every now and then to take it all in. Snap some before-and-after photos – it’s like your own decluttering gallery!

Seeing the transformation right before your eyes is pure magic. Each cleared shelf and organised corner are a testament to your efforts. So, give yourself a pat on the back, maybe even do a happy dance. You’ve earned it!

You’re stepping into a world of rewards – not just a clutter-free home, but a clear mind too.

These simple steps are guiding you towards a space that’s serene and organised. It’s not about aiming for perfection; it’s about embracing the journey and celebrating every bit of progress you make.

So, keep that momentum going, and here’s to a clutter-free, peaceful, and happy home!

Work with us

At Ducks in a Row, we believe in explaining to our clients how decluttering works before starting the process. It is important for us to reinforce that our role as their organiser is not to tell them what to keep and what to throw away, but instead to assist and guide them by asking questions to help them make informed decisions for themselves.

We combine our signature Organising D.R.E.S.S Code Formula© with a deep understanding of how you live your life to create a system that works for you and your family.

Are you ready to get your ducks in a row?

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Work with us!

At Ducks in a Row, we believe in explaining to our clients how decluttering works before starting the process. It is important for us to reinforce that our role as their organiser is not to tell them what to keep and what to throw away, but instead to assist and guide them by asking questions to help them make informed decisions for themselves.

We combine our signature Organising D.R.E.S.S Code Formula© with a deep understanding of how you live your life to create a system that works for you and your family.

Are you ready to get your ducks in a row?

Click below to book your FREE consult with our Lead Organiser.